Grégoire Naisse webpage
Current Events
Last talk
I spoke for the Uppsala algebra seminar about Categorification of the Lawrence-Krammer-Bigelow braid group representation, here are the slides:

New preprints
Categorification of infinite-dimensional sl(2)-modules and braid group 2-actions I: tensor products, with Benjamin Dupont
Working groups
2018: Quantum groups
Some more words About me
Since young teenager, I fell in love with mathematics. At first, I was mainly interested in them for their applications in computer science, in particular for video-game development. Later, I discovered their intrinsic beauty and fascinating behaviour.
I started learning about knot theory in third grade, thanks to Pedro Vaz, through my bachelor thesis about HOMFLY-PT polynomial and the Iwahori-Hecke algebra.
I continued my journey with Pedro in my master thesis, where I constructed and studied an odd version of Khovanov arc algebra. Then, I did a PhD thesis, still with Pedro. Together, we developed the theory of categorified Verma modules for quantum Kac-Moody algebras.
Then I was a postdoc at the Max-Planck institute for Mathematics in the algebra and representation theory group of Catharina Stroppel.
I'm currently an Aspirant Air Traffic Controller at Skeyes.
About me
I'm an Aspirant Air Traffic Controller at Skeyes.
I'm also an F.R.S.-FNRS Postdoctoral researcher-CR (honorary mandate).
My mathematical research interests are in higher representation theory, as well as their applications in low-dimensional topology. Click here for more about my research!